Begging For Change Pdf
Gta Vice City 5 Game Free Download For Pc Windows Xp. Netbus 2 0 Server And Client Download here. ILLUSTRATION BY MELISSA McFEETERS The problem is clear: You need more business. Not because you aren’t busy, but because then you could be choosier about which clients you work with. But if there’s one thing firm owners and entrepreneurs hate, it has to be selling themselves to prospects.
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Selling feels uncomfortable, needy, and it also seems like something we probably shouldn’t have to do, right? If our work is great, shouldn’t it sell itself? I want to help you by explaining some ways to attract more business without begging for it. First, I’m going to assume that you’re really talented. That’s an important assumption. Unless you’re an expert in something where there aren’t a lot of other experts, clients will find you interchangeable, and when they have a lot of choices, they’ll dive down to the cheapest option.
Second, you need work, but you don’t want to harm your carefully earned position as an expert. That means you need thoughtfully chosen and very effective methods of finding new clients.
Here are six selling techniques to reach prospects while keeping your expert status. Forget cold-calling—reel in the clients you really want with these 6 selling techniques: 1. SEND A LETTER BY EXPRESS MAIL In the past, any letter you sent blended into all the other letters that a prospective client received, and so you had to resort to flashy and expensive brochures instead. But now, nobody gets letters, so they stand out.
They’re also quick and cheap, which makes them an even better choice. Sit down and write a really good one, highlighting what helps you stand out from the crowd. Make it punchy (i.e., confident), but keep it short. About two- thirds of a page is ideal. Next, find about 50 prospects to send it to. You might start with clients who work at a competitor to a client you just lost because those are the ones most likely to be intrigued by the chance to hire you. Then, concentrate on the companies where you know someone or have something that you could mention in the letter.
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