Bushmaster Serial Numbers Bfi
I'm getting my first AR/M4 to someone who is selling his unit,now i would like to know if this is authentic BUSHMASTER or not. He sent me some photo of his unit. Any input is greatly appreciated. Bushmaster Law Enforcement Carbine 11. Controversies In Globalization Pdf File there. 5' Serial no. 'B' prefix afaik bushmaster has 'L' and 'BFI' prefix only. Oct 21, 2008. Boy what a difference, the case was completely redesigned and even the serial number / logo engraving was different. Bushy serial #'s that start with BFI are post Cerebus purchase rifles. Cerberus Holdings purchased Bushmaster, Remington and a couple other firearms manufactures last year.
This section needs expansion. You can help. Ansi Aami He75 2009 Edition Nfpa more. (March 2013) Bushmaster Firearms was a company in Bangor, Maine, that went bankrupt and was purchased by Richard Dyke in 1976 and moved to. According to a Maine newspaper, it was later sold by Dyke to Cerberus while Krause Publications says it was first acquired by Quality Products Company, in 1990. Dyke would sell the business in 2006 for 70 million dollars to.
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