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Abstract Although of high relevance to political science, the interaction between technological change and political change in the era of Big Data remains somewhat of a neglected topic. Most studies focus on the concept of e-government and e-governance, and on how already existing government activities performed through the bureaucratic body of public administration could be improved by technology. This article attempts to build a bridge between the field of e-governance and theories of public administration that goes beyond the service delivery approach that dominates a large part of e-government research. Using the policy cycle as a generic model for policy processes and policy development, a new look on how policy decision making could be conducted on the basis of ICT and Big Data is presented in this article. Belly Dance Bvh Files For Poser.
The policymaking process The concept of governance has been featured in many fields. Kjaer ( Kjaer, A. Cambridge, UK: Polity. ), for example, distinguished between governance in public administration and public policy, governance in international relations, European Union governance, governance in comparative politics, and good governance as extolled by the World Bank (Rhodes Rhodes, R. Understanding governance: Ten years on. Organization Studies 28(8): 1243– 1264. Doi: 10.11607076586., ).
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For the purposes of this article, we focus on governance in the realm of public administration and public policy, using a general definition as provided by Rhodes: • Interdependence between organizations. Governance is broader than government, covering non-state actors.
Changing the boundaries of the state means the boundaries between public, private, and voluntary sectors become shifting and opaque. • Continuing interactions between network members, caused by the need to exchange resources and negotiate shared purposes. • Game-like interactions, rooted in trust and regulated by rules of the game negotiated and agreed by network participants.
• A significant degree of autonomy from the state. Networks are not accountable to the state; they are self-organizing. Although the state does not occupy a privileged, sovereign position, it can indirectly and imperfectly steer network. Download Film Love Story In Harvard Sub Indo. In a wider sense, governance deals with “how the informal authority of networks supplements and supplants the formal authority of government. It explores the limits to the state and seeks to develop a more diverse view of state authority and its exercise” (Rhodes Rhodes, R. Understanding governance: Ten years on.
Organization Studies 28(8): 1243– 1264. Doi: 10.11607076586.,, 1247). This forces governments to change the traditional top-down command structure into a structure that includes negotiations with civil society, and to include the public in the decision-making process. The boundaries between state and civil society are changing and becoming more porous, a development that has been accelerated by new modes of interaction and participation by means of ICT. Claus Offe described this collaboration between state and civil society as a cooperative network of “practitioners of governance, whoever they may be, [who] logically and politically can do without opposition, for all relevant actors are included” (Offe Offe, C. Governance: An ‘empty signifier’? Constellations 16(4): 550– 562.
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