How To Install En Focus Pitstop Pro

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How To Install Enfocus Pitstop ProHow To Install En Focus Pitstop Pro

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After installing PitStop Pro, you can activate it from the About Enfocus PitStop Pro window, in one of the following two ways. • start a 30-day trial, • Permanent license, to activate your license (see ), In addition to the above, you can also deactivate your license (see the for more information), You can repair your license if it's become corrupted. (see the for more information). For easiest configuration, the machine running your copy of PitStop Pro should be online with full Internet access while performing licensing tasks.

However, if the machine you are using does not have full Internet access, you can perform licensing tasks off-line if you: • have access to e-mail and use of a Web browser on another machine, • can copy a file received in an Internet e-mail message to the machine you are using (using a USB flash memory drive, a diskette, an internal network.). Off-line activation is described in more detail later in this section.

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