Scarface Friends
Scarface tells the story of immigrant gangster Tony Montana; his rise to power as a powerful and fearless drug dealer, and his rapid fall as a paranoid and overconfident kingpin. Scarface is truly an iconic and memorable gangster film. There are several scenes that will stay with you forever; for example, the infamous bathroom/chainsaw scene, the intense assassination attempt on a journalist, and the epic shootout at the end; however, there are many, many more.
Buy and sell authentic Supreme streetwear on StockX including the Supreme Scarface Friend Tee Black and thousands of other streetwear clothing and accesories. The machine gun that Al Pacino used in the Scarface and which his character referred to as 'my little friend' is expected to fetch $30000 at an auction in Los Angeles.
The dialogue is packed with quotables thanks to Al Pacino's great performance and accent in this film; if this is your first time viewing, you'll be quoting Tony's lines for days after. ('Say hello to my little friend!' ) The film also has great music that matches its overall atmosphere and tone; I loved the film's soundtrack. I know some people can see this as an inspirational film, while others see it as a cautionary tale; it's completely up to the type of person you are and how seriously you take it, though.
I own the Universal's 100th Anniversary version of the Blu-ray. There is one disc for the blu-ray, one disc for the DVD, and a code pamphlet that comes with Ultraviolet and iTunes digital copy codes. This version also comes (came) with a slipcover. The picture and sound quality were great, better than my DVD.
Overall, Scarface is an amazing crime/gangster film; it's unforgettable thanks to the hypnotizing performances, memorable dialogue, and the action sequences. I highly recommend purchasing. Scarface has strong blood and violence, excessive drug use, and nudity.
• • • 1983 gangster pic has become indispensable viewing for genre fans and hip-hoppers alike, and no single line from the film is as memorable as the now iconic “Say hello to my little friend.” The quote-ready manstra is relayed by as he launches a grenade across a bullet-ridden room, and has since graced the front of t-shirts, movie posters and every other bit of assorted merchandise you can think of. But while the line itself is epic, it’s Pacino’s flawless delivery of it that catapulted it into one of cinema’s greatest sentences. And that raises a great what-ifwhat if Pacino delivered it another way? What if Pacino added extra words? Mauser Rifles Serial Numbers more.
What if he stumbled? Well, wonder no more because now we have never-before-seen outtakes from the bonus features of the new “Scarface” limited edition Blu-ray hitting September 6. In the video below, watch Pacino try the line again and again until it culminates with the classic one we know and love.
After you’ve seen it, let us know what you think of it in the comments below or on. • • • Sisters Weekend isn’t like other comedy groups. It’s filmmaking collaboration between besties Angelo Balassone, Michael Fails and Kat Tadesco, self-described lace-front addicts with great legs who write, direct, design and produce video sketches and cinematic shorts that are so surreally hilarious that they defy categorization. One such short film, Celebrity All-Star, is the newest addition to IFC’s Comedy Crib. Here’s what they had to say about it in a very personal email interview IFC: How would you describe Celebrity All-Star to a fancy network executive you just met in an elevator?
Celebrity All-Star is a short film about an overworked reality TV coordinator struggling to save her one night off after the cast of C-List celebrities she wrangles gets locked out of their hotel rooms. IFC: How would you describe Celebrity All-Star to a drunk friend of a friend you met in a bar? Sisters Weekend: It’s this short we made for IFC where a talent coordinator named Karen babysits a bunch of weird c-list celebs who are stuck in a hotel bar. It’s everyone you hate from reality TV under one roof – and that roof leaks because it’s a 2-star hotel. Rangkaian Usb To Serial here. There’s a magician, sexy cowboys, and a guy wearing a belt that sucks up his farts.
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