Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders Html
There are numerous occasions where you may want to keep a folder tidy and remove older files. We needed a solution for a shared folder that we wanted to control so. VBScript » FileSystemObject » DeleteFolderVersion: 2.0. English Rules 2 Homework Program Answers Sheet 1 Excel. Accepts a Boolean value - True allows folders with read-only attributes to be deleted, while False (default) does not. Introduction To Ai Robotics Murphy Pdf File more. This method deletes a specified folder, including all files and subfolders. Note that an error occurs if you try to delete a folder that doesn't exist.
On my desktop PC I created a folder called 'C: Temp' which I point all applicable user and system 'Environment Varables' (e.g.: TEMP, TMP) to. I want to run a VBScript with my nightly scheduled tasks to go through and clear out files that are older then 2 days. I understand that some files/folders will be in use and cannot be deleted - which is fine but if thats the case, I want to make sure it will continue on to the next file/folder and not just terminate the script right then and there. I found a script that does 90% of what I need, it loops though and recursively deletes files past x date, now how do I create another sub routine that executes after the recursive files one to take care of the directories past x date. StrFolder = 'C: Temp' intDays = 0 Set objFSO= CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Set objFolders= objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder) objToday = Now() objPastDate = DateAdd('d', intDays*-1, objToday) Recurse objFolders Sub recurse(ByRef objFolders) Set objSubFolders = objFolders.SubFolders Set objFiles = objFolders.Files for each File in objFiles if File.DateLastModified.
This modification should delete any subfolders which haven't been modified in the specified interval. StrFolder = 'C: Temp' intDays = 0 Set objFSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Set objFolders = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder) objToday = Now() objPastDate = DateAdd('d', intDays*-1, objToday) Recurse objFolders Sub recurse(ByRef objFolders) Set objSubFolders = objFolders.SubFolders Set objFiles = objFolders.Files for each File in objFiles if File. Fspassengers X Serial Number. DateLastModified. I had to fix a couple things but you pointed me in the right direction. Here's the working script if anyone wants it. StrFolder = 'C: Temp' intDays = 0 Set objFSO= CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Set objFolders= objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder) objToday = Now() objPastDate= DateAdd('d', intDays*-1, objToday) Recurse objFolders Sub recurse(ByRef objFolders) Set objSubFolders = objFolders.SubFolders Set objFiles = objFolders.Files For Each File In objFiles If File.DateLastModified. Everytime I run this script it deletes all folders and files in the specified directory no matter what I put. I wanted to edit this for 7 days, so i changed the intDays*-1 too intDays*-7 and it still deletes everything.
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