What Is Computer Network In Hindi Pdf
Dec 28, 2015. Network शब्द को अलग अलग संदर्भ में प्रयोग किया जाता है, जैसे की telephone network, computer network और peoples network आदि। एक computer network कुछ devices से मिलकर बना होता है जो आपस में wire से या wirelessly connected होते है। networking-in-Hindi. 19 फ़रवरी 2016. प्रोटोकॉल What is Computer Networking Protocol Hindi, Network Devices के बीच कम्युनिकेशन के लिए कुछ set of rules होते है जिनको Protocol कहा जाता है.
From a number of days our readers have been asking us to post some material to learn computer in Hindi language. Finally today we've managed to post this small e book which will teach you the basics of the computer in Hindi language. In this pdf document we've covered all the basic points like What is Computer? Drivers Nvidia Geforce 8500 Gt Ubuntu Server. , How Computer Operates?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of Computer, Difference between Software and Hardware, Parts of the Computer, Sizes and Capacities of various computer devices, How to choose a best computer etc in hindi language. We hope this small e book will help you in preparing for upcoming competitive exams. If we get good response to this small book, we will post the remaining useful materials of competitive exams too in Hindi Language.
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