Silent Hunter Patch V1 4b Natural Hair

Latest updates - Oct 25, 2017 >>>A lot of the mods listed below are outdated. I'm working on the version 3.0.0 (the very bottom of the description page) >>>The description is version 2.1.2 (Keep using the main file version 2.1.0) • It's not required to install all the mods.

It's also not required to install all the mods in the following order. ALTHOUGH IT'S BETTER TO DO SO. • I've listed all the mods that I'm currently using. Yet (Woof, CTD is just a pain in my ***). Well, visual seams is kinda acceptable, I guess. • Essential mods are tagged.
The patch won't work if you don't have these mods installed. • Optional mods are tagged. The patch works either with or without these mods. • NSFW mods are tagged.
Well, you get the idea. Not safe for work (NSFW).
Specifically UNP, SoS Light, FlowerGirls and skimpy armors. • Mods without any tag means it may or may not work with the patch if not installed. Still, I strongly suggest you do install all of them. • Special instructions are noted.
It's kinda important, take a quick look won't hurt you. 1/13 Tool, Fix, User Interface. By ElminsterAU and SSEEdit team Optional * You need SSEEdit if you want to use SSELODGen (second mod down here)* * If you know what SSEEdit is. Then you know what to do!* >>>Download and Install: SSEEdit 3.2 version 3.2 >>>>>>Extract all 4 files to a new folder 'SSEEdit' (make a new folder) >>>>>>Put the newly created folder in '. Skyrim Special Edition ' by Ehamloptiran Sheson and SSEEdit Team Optional * You need SSEEdit to work* * DynDOLOD isn't released on Nexus yet, still waiting for it* >>>Download and Install: SSELODGen 3.2 version 3.2 >>>>>>Extract all 4 files to a new folder 'SSELODGen' (make a new folder) >>>>>>Put the newly created folder in '. Setting up FNIS. >>>Iso Container Corner Castings Houston on this page. Head to '.
New York City United States. V1.4 Patch Silent Hunter III. There are four patches (US DVD and download and European DVD and download), have you got the right one? They are all available. You will need to do a web search for archive rld-sh14.rar or search for Silent hunter 3 v1.4b No DVD/Fixed exe to get the archive.
Skyrim Special Edition Data tools GenerateFNIS_for_Users '. >>>Hit 'GenerateFNISforUsers.exe'. >>>Check 'GENDER Specific Animations.' And 'SKELETON Arm Fix.' >>>Click 'Update FNIS Behavior'. >>>Click 'Exit'. >>>Either choose 'No' or 'Cancel', it doesn't matter.
>>>Head to '. Skyrim Special Edition SSEEdit '. >>>Hit 'SSELODGen.exe'. >>>Check all the boxes on the left side, leave the rest untouched. >>>Click 'Generate'.
>>>Wait for a while (Depending on your pc, 8~12 minutes, mine 8 minutes 7 seconds). >>>Exit until you see this message 'LOD Generator: finished (you can close this application now)'. When starting a new game 1. A female character as an example >>>Drag all the way to the left. Then hit the corresponding numbers to the right >>>Race: Nord >>>Body: Preset 4 >>>Head: War Paint 0 >>>Face: 13, 10, 17, 5, 5, 15, 13, 4, 1, 0, 4, 0~ >>>Eyes: 11, 10, 2, 7, 13, 7, 0, 9 >>>Brow: 35, 6, 10, 9 >>>Mouth: 12, 14, 10, 10, 4, 8, 0 >>>Hair: You decide 2. Wait a bit for all the mods to run their things >>>Upper left screen will be showing a lot of messages 3. You will then later be prompted with a window by 'Holidays' >>>Month: Set the current month >>>Date: Set the current date >>>Time: Set the current time >>>Birthday: Click it and set your birthday >>>Click 'Back' then 'Exit' 4.
Wait for a bit again till you see both messages or waited long enough to proceed >>>Message A: 'Immersive Armors Configuration Has Finished' (Forgot the exact sentence but pretty much the same idea) >>>Message B: 'Immersive Citizens has been activated.' (Forgot the exact sentence but pretty much the same idea) 5.
Go talk to Mara (the statue) and choose whatever you want >>>The vanilla start may or may not bugged out 6. When entering a new cell (out of the prison), you'll be prompted again by 'Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE' >>>Click 'Enable/Disable Sounds' >>>Click 'Enable' all the way through to the end >>>Click 'Ok' >>>Repeat for 2 more times >>>Just keep hitting 'E Key' (Enable) and you're golden. Some time later in Tamriel 1.
Setting these as favorites >>>Actions: iNeed >>>>>>From time to time you'll be eating and drinking a lot. >>>>>>Standing somewhere in the river and select 'Drink/Refill' to drink some water or refill if you have 'empty waterskin'. >>>>>>'Status' is something that tells you your current needs. >>>Instincts >>>>>>Sort of a. Cheats I guess.
Letting you know where the enemies or any other creatures nearby. >>>Lantern: Toggle >>>>>>Handy, don't ever need to open up Magic or equipping/unequipping lantern anymore. Tweaking Wearable Lanterns >>>Options: Wearable Lanterns >>>>>>Click 'Brightness' then select 'Level 4'.
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